Expression, Technique, Freedom
'I have referred my patients with benign laryngeal disease to Professor McClosky for nearly two decades.
His results with the treatment of vocal cord nodules and polyps, dysphonia plica-ventricularis, puberphonic voice, vocal cord paralysis, spastic dysphonia and many others have been indeed outstanding.
I not only recommend and endorse the McClosky technique, but salute this dedicated man of science.'
Patricia Alessi CMVT is focussed on helping you to achieve your voice's functionality at its best.
Founded by David Blair McClosky, the goal of the McClosky Technique is functional efficiency.
It utilises a client-focussed approach to assist clients with achieving their vocal goals.
The McClosky Technique focusses on coordinating the different parts of the vocal mechanism so that each part of the body is doing its proper job.
Whether in speech or song, the end result is the same: vocal efficiency with little or no effort wasted.
Certified McClosky Voice Technicians (CMVTs) teach a series of exercises to release counter-productive tensions, a postural stance that promotes efficient, easy breathing, and an easy onset of tone (flow phonation).
William W Montgomery,
Harvard surgeon
Patricia's vocal services include vocal tuition and coaching; acting; professional voice use; public speaking; corporate care; lecturer/teacher care; troubled voices; and accent coaching.
Patricia regularly works with clients who rely upon their voices for their professions. From lawyers to teachers to customer service representatives to psychologists and beyond, Patricia has worked across industries to protect, support and enhance vocal efficiency in Australia.
Patricia works with clients to alleviate vocal complaints, including but not limited to:
- Lack of Vocal Projection/'Being Heard'
- Vocal Strain/Fatigue
- Vocal Loss/Laryngitis
- Raspy/Hoarse Voice
- Loss of Range/Pitch Control
- Monotone Voice
- Unexpected Change in Vocal Sound/Timbre/Colour
- Raw/Achy/Strained Throat/Voice (Vocal Pain)
- Effortful Talking/Struggling to Speak
- Repeatedly Clearing One's Throat
- Vocal Overuse/Abuse
- Poor/Harmful Vocal Technique
If you rely upon your voice for your profession, then book your session online with Patricia now.
Just click on Appointments for her real-time calendar!
In addition to one-on-one sessions, Professional Development Workshops are regularly held throughout the year.
Please click on Appointments to book for the next scheduled workshop session.
Updates on PD Workshops are also provided by the Perth Voice Specialist - Patricia Alessi, CMVT Facebook page and Instagram Account.